Please allow 3 to 4 days for processing and additional time for shipping based on selected destination. Shipping times vary between locations.
Kharzet lulu is not responsible for any lost or stolen packages.
Due to the nature of our products, we do not accept returns or exchanges. Due to quality control and hygiene issues, we cannot resell earrings once they have left our facility.
If you have concerns with your earrings or you are unhappy with your purchase, please email kharzet.lulu@gmail.com
Please look carefully at items and descriptions, and ask questions (if there need be) before purchasing.
Import Duties & Taxes
Sales tax has already been applied to the price of the goods as displayed on the website.
Import duties and taxes for international shipments may be liable to be paid upon arrival in destination country.
We are not responsible for duties and/or taxes your country may charge you. These charges are the responsibility of the purchaser. Some countries have specific import restrictions on certain products & it is the responsibility of you, the customer, to check your local regulations before placing an order with us for International delivery.
Missing, faulty or damaged items
Please inspect your order upon delivery. If the item is defective, damaged or if you received the wrong item, please email kharzet.lulu@gmail.com within 48 hours of delivery with order issue, your name and order number, details of damaged or missing item, and photos which may be relevant.
We will respond to you with the options to correct the issue, which may include replacing any damaged or missing items, or issuing a refund.
If an item breaks within one week of receiving due to an error of mine, please reach out for a refund or replacement. These instances will be addressed on a case to case basis.
If an item breaks due to an accident or on purpose, I will not replace that item. There has been a care card included with every purchase.